
Reaching the fort is a fantastic experience, the walk requires about 15-20 minutes of walking depending on the training of the person who does it.

Below you will find all the contacts of the Forte Pozzacchio information office.


Fort Pozzacchio is located near the village of Pozzacchio, which can be reached via the SS46 Vallarsa.
Make sure to set your navigation system to "Parcheggio Forte Pozzacchio."

Opening Hours

Friday, Saturday and Sunday:
8:30 - 19:30 (from June to September)
Saturday and Sunday:
8:30 - 19:30 (May and October)
Extra hours communicated as needed



+39 345 126 7009

How to get:

Fort Pozzacchio is located near the village of Pozzacchio, which can be reached via the SS46 Vallarsa.
From Rovereto, take the SS46 del Pasubio for about 12 km and then turn left following the signs for Forte Pozzacchio. At the last hairpin turn to the left before the village of Pozzacchio, a small diversion branches off to the right. This will lead to the parking lot where you’ll be able to leave your car and continue on foot. The walk takes about 15-20 minutes.
For buses and large vehicles, it is advisable to turn off near San Colombano the SP50 – about 10 km from Rovereto.

We recommend entering “Parcheggio Forte Pozzacchio” into your navigation system.

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